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Internally, having volunteers helps our events run smoothly. The volunteers alleviate tasks from our staff so they can focus on the overall event.  
Volunteers are given the chance to interact and assist individuals with disabilities. This helps volunteers understand the basic barriers people with disabilities face every day. By exposing the volunteers to individuals with disabilities, the volunteers grow more comfortable interacting with the person instead of the disability. 
These events also give our consumers the chance to talk with our volunteers in a way that starts to develop meaningful conversations. These conversations can help remove educational barriers between the consumers, volunteers, and other members of the community.

DON believes that volunteers have become a vital part of the success of the larger events. By helping the staff with setup, cleanup, and event logistics, DON has been able to provide a better experience for both our volunteers and our consumers.
If you are interested in volunteering, please give us a call at 724-652-5144.

Contact Us


Disability Options Network

831 Harrison St.

New Castle, PA 16105


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Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

8:30 am – 4:30 pm

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